Top 10 Global Pharmaceutical Corporate Sites
Ranked by Number of European Consumer Visitors
1. Bayer
2. Roche
3. Pfizer
4. Novartis
5. Johnson & Johnson
6. GlaxoSmithKline
7. Sanofi-Aventis
8. Schering AG
9. Boehringer Ingelheim
10. AstraZeneca
Source: Cybercitizen® Health Europe v8.0, Manhattan Research, LLC
"In the absence of direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising in European countries, the Internet plays an important role in how healthcare companies communicate with consumers. In 2008, 157 million European adults turned to the Internet for health information, and pharmaceutical marketers are looking to leverage the Internet and other technology to reach and build relationships with these consumers," said Meredith Abreu Ressi, VP of Research at Manhattan Research.
Cybercitizen® Health Europe is a syndicated multi-client study and advisory service focused on key research topics and trends impacting the European consumer health marketplace. The study was fielded online among 4,079 European consumers from the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Sweden, the Netherlands, Poland, and Portugal. For additional product information, please visit www.manhattanresearch.com/products/consumer/ccheu.aspx.
About Manhattan Research
Manhattan Research, a Decision Resources, Inc. company, is a leading market research and advisory firm for pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. For more information, visit www.manhattanresearch.com.
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