4 stakeholders (Eli Lilly, Bayer Healthcare, SICPA and Thornton & Ross Ltd.) requested their entire submissions to be treated confidentially. The other stakeholder responses have been published on the "pharmaceuticals - website" of the European Commission.
Of the 123 stakeholder contributions, in terms of regions, 20 contributions were received from EU-wide associations, 29 from Italy, 14 from the UK, 9 from Germany, 4 each from France and Switzerland, 3 each from Poland and Ireland, 2 each from Malta, Denmark, and the Netherlands, 1 each from Austria, Sweden and Spain, and 18 from non-European third countries. 10 stakeholder contributions were global associations or could not be attributed in terms of region.
30 national and regional authorities profited from this stakeholder-consultation to inform the Commission of their views on the matter.
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