In New York, Novo Nordisk is arranging an event around the Changing Diabetes Bus, which has travelled across five continents since September 2006. And in Cairo, Novo Nordisk's Egyptian affiliate will organize diabetes walks by the pyramids and launch their own Changing Diabetes Bus.
Furthermore, Novo Nordisk will conduct special events in seven other cities: Beijing (China), Copenhagen (Denmark), Havana (Cuba), London (UK), Paris and Strasbourg (France). Here there will be Global Diabetes Walks, which put focus on an active lifestyle, human blue circles (to illustrate the UN symbol) and other external events.
"The adoption of the UN Resolution on diabetes demonstrates that all nations have recognised the severity of this worldwide pandemic. However, our engagement doesn't stop here. We have committed to work actively to help implement the Resolution on a national level by for instance continuing the Changing Diabetes Bus world tour into 2008. We will also establish high-level groups of experts to explore practical ways of improving diabetes care" says Lars Rebien Sørensen, president and CEO of Novo Nordisk.
Diabetes is a silent killer that can affect anyone at any time and is causing devastating global consequences. In 2007 diabetes is expected to cause 3.8 million deaths worldwide, almost as much as HIV/AIDS. Today 246 million people have diabetes and by 2025, the figure is expected to reach 380 million. If the trend continues at this pace diabetes will be the worst pandemic the world has ever seen by 2025.
The Resolution on diabetes was adopted by the United Nations on 20 December 2006.
For further details, please visit the World Diabetes Day website:
About Novo Nordisk
Novo Nordisk is a healthcare company and a world leader in diabetes care. The company has the broadest diabetes product portfolio in the industry, including the most advanced products within the area of insulin delivery systems. In addition, Novo Nordisk has a leading position within areas such as haemostasis management, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Novo Nordisk manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products and services that make a significant difference to patients, the medical profession and society. With headquarters in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 25,800 employees in 79 countries, and markets its products in 179 countries. Novo Nordisk's B shares are listed on the stock exchanges in Copenhagen and London. Its ADRs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol 'NVO'. For more information, visit www.novonordisk.com.