The Bayer Science & Education Foundation's program offers this year again an extra budget of EUR 50,000 for students from African countries who are planning study projects on the scientific topics above in Germany. In addition to the scholarships in the academic sector, the Hermann Strenger scholarships are available to support young people on a non-academic training program looking to gain initial work experience abroad. Applications are invited from committed trainees in commercial, industrial, scientific or medical occupations as well as young professionals in these fields who have completed their training within the past two years. With this program, the Bayer Science & Education Foundation is looking to offer targeted funding to young people in the non-academic sector, enabling them to gain professional experience abroad.
The application deadline for all five scholarship programs is July 18, 2016. Application forms are available online at http://www.bayer-foundations.com. An independent scientific committee will award funding in mid September 2016.
Application forms and further information on the Bayer Fellowship Program and the Bayer Science & Education Foundation are available at http://www.bayer-foundations.com.
Bayer: Science For A Better Life
Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the Life Science fields of health care and agriculture. Its products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time, the Group aims to create value through innovation, growth and high earning power. Bayer is committed to the principles of sustainable development and to its social and ethical responsibilities as a corporate citizen. In fiscal 2015, the Group employed around 117,000 people and had sales of EUR 46.3 billion. Capital expenditures amounted to EUR 2.6 billion, R&D expenses to EUR 4.3 billion. These figures include those for the high-tech polymers business, which was floated on the stock market as an independent company named Covestro on October 6, 2015.