Psoriasis is a chronic, immune disease that causes red, itchy, flaky and sometimes painful patches of skin anywhere on the body. While the exact cause is unknown, it's believed that at least 10 percent of the general population has a hereditary predisposition to the disease, though it develops in only 2-3 percent of people.
Psoriasisanswers.com offers useful tools and educational information for people living with the disease.
- The Psoriasis Answers Widget delivers new tips and helpful facts about psoriasis every week to a personal desktop and has an interactive symptom tracker. This tracker allows patients or caregivers to privately compile detailed information about ongoing symptoms. When preparing for a visit with a dermatologist, tracker information can be printed and shared to enhance patient and doctor conversations.
- The Psoriasis Answers Kit, which can be ordered on Psoriasisanswers.com, includes an offline version of the symptom tracker in the form of a notepad with stickers, plus Q&A Cards with tips, interesting facts and practical advice for people with the condition.
Beyond symptom tracking, Psoriasisanswers.com offers a guide to jumpstart disease discussions during office visits to ensure patients make the most of their face time with their dermatologist.
"I greatly support these types of online resources being available to psoriasis patients," says Dr. Bruce Strober, assistant professor in the Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology at New York University School of Medicine. "It's very important to have information about the type and frequency of symptoms that is as accurate as possible. These tools help patients prepare for their appointments so they might have more productive and informative conversations with their physician."
Felicia Williams, who has psoriasis and is featured on Psoriasisanswers.com, urges people to be proactive about managing their condition. "It's important to take advantage of all the great resources out there like the tools on Psoriasisanswers.com. I'm thrilled to be able to share my story with others and encourage them to take control of their disease."
Psoriasis Awareness Month is sponsored by major patient advocacy organizations to encourage broader public awareness of the condition and support for people with it.
About Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic, immune disease that appears on the skin. It affects an estimated 125 million people worldwide. It is a non-contagious disorder that speeds the growth cycle of skin cells and results in thick, scaly areas of skin. The most common form, called plaque psoriasis, appears as red, raised areas of skin covered with flaky white scales, which are often itchy and painful and can crack and bleed. Currently, there is no cure but treatment can help control the condition. Treatment may include topical agents, phototherapy or systemic medications taken orally or by injection or infusion. More information can be found at Psoriasisanswers.com.
About Abbott
Abbott is a global, broad-based health care company devoted to the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products, including nutritionals, devices and diagnostics. The company employs approximately 83,000 people and markets its products in more than 130 countries.